NetBeans IDE 7.2

NetBeans IDE 7.2NetBeans IDE 7.2. is a modular, standards-based integrated development environment (IDE), written in the Java programming language. The NetBeans project consists of a full-featured open source IDE written in the Java programming language and a rich client application platform, which can be used as a generic framework to build any kind of application.

NetBeans IDE will provide programmers with a full-featured package of applications which they need to create professional cross-platform desktop, enterprise, web and mobile applications.

Design Swing GUIs intuitively by dragging and dropping GUI components from a palette onto a canvas, then click into JLabels, JButtons, JTextFields and edit the text directly in place. You can even use the GUI builder to prototype GUIs right in front of customers. The NetBeans IDE comes with built-in support for GUI localisation and accessibility.

Features of  NetBeans IDE 7.2:

JDK 7:
· Project Coin support
· Editor enhancements: Code completion, hints

WebLogic Server:
· Streamlined and faster deployment to WebLogic
· New server runtime node displaying deployed applications and resources
· JSF integration with server libraries

Oracle Database:
· Simplified connection wizard
· Guided installation to JDBC driver
· Editing and deployment of stored procedures

· GlassFish 3.1 support
· Domain restart and log viewer for remote GlassFish
· Enable and disable deployed applications

· Maven 3 support
· JUnit 4.8.2 integration and various JUnit improvements
· Remote HTTP URLs supported for Javadoc in libraries and Java platforms
· New improved visual customizer for GridBagLayout

Java EE:
· Improved support for CDI, REST services and Java Persistence
· New support for Bean Validation
· Support for JSF component libraries, including bundled PrimeFaces library
· Improved editing for Expression Language in JSF, including code completion, refactoring and hints

Web Languages:
· HTML5 editing support
· JSON formatter

· Generate PhpDoc
· Rename refactoring, Safe Delete Refactoring
· PHP 5.3 - Support for aliases

· Easy import of project from user's existing binary
· New Project type where user's source files are located on remote system

NetBeans Platform:
· Annotations for generating Action registrations in the layer
· Performance enhancements & tight integration with Profiler
· Additional NetBeans API changes

· Word wrap in Editor
· Enhanced Profiler integration
· Less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the IDE and other programs.


· Minimum Hardware Configurations
· Processor: 800MHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent
· Memory: 512 MB
· Disk space: 750 MB of free disk space
· Recommended Hardware Configurations
· Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent
· Memory: 2 GB
· Disk space: 1 GB of free disk space
· Java Development Kit


Size/OS:76.4 MB / Windows 2K / XP / Vista / 7
Type of file:EXE
Date:July 25rd, 2012
Developer:Home page