dotConnect for SQLite Standard 4.1.40

dotConnect for SQLite Standard 4.1.40dotConnect for SQLite Standard 4.1.40. is an enhanced data provider for SQLite that builds on ADO.NET technology to present a complete solution for developing SQLite-based database applications. As a part of the Core Lab database application development framework, dotConnect for SQLite Standardoffers both high performance native connectivity to the SQLite database and a number of innovative development tools and technologies.

dotConnect for SQLite Standard leverages database application implementation, boosts productivity and introduces new approaches for designing application architecture.

The current version of dotConnect for SQLite Standard can be used with the following integrated development environments:
· Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
· Delphi for .NET and RAD Studio

Features of  dotConnect for SQLite Standard 4.1.40:

· General usability
· Real RAD for database applications
· Fully compliant with ADO.NET
· 100% managed code
· Highly usable design time support
· Easy to deploy
· Compatibility
· Full support of the latest versions of SQLite
· Full support for x64 architecture
· Visual Studio .NET 2005 and 2008 support
· CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 support
· SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Solutions support
· SQLite technology support
· All SQLite data types support
· SQLiteDump component to store a database or its parts as a script and then restore it
· Performance
· High overall performance
· Intelligent fetch block size control
· Advanced connection pooling
· High performance batch processing
· ADO.NET technology support
· Full support for ADO.NET Entity Framework
· Batch update support
· Extended metadata information retrieval
· Enhanced pooling control through connection string
· Connection string builder
· Provider factory for generating key data access classes
· Asynchronous command execution
· Provider-specific types support
· Extended data access technologies and functionality
· Powerful SQLiteDataTable component for manipulating individual tables or query result
· NonBlocking mode allows fetching data asynchronously in the background
· On-demand data fetch for data-bound controls
· Paginal access to query result
· Server side master-detail relation based on queries
· Support for Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block (DAAB)
· Object-oriented building of SELECT statements
· Extended warning and error information retrieval
· Extended interface for processing execution exceptions
· SQLiteDataAdapter.Fill method with sequential fetch support
· Ability to defer fetching of some columns in a resultset
· Named parameters support
· WinForms-specific features
· Flexible data binding with DataLink component
· InterForm technology for cross-form components cooperation
· Global position synchronization within a data source
· ASP.NET-specific features
· ASP.NET data providers: Membership provider, Role provider, Session State provider, Profile provider
· SQLiteDataSource web component
· SQLiteCacheDependency component to control Cache item dependencies in ASP.NET applications
· Script execution
· Advanced script execution features with SQLiteScript component
· Support for executing individual statements in scripts
· Support for executing huge scripts stored in files with dynamic loading
· SQL execution monitoring
· Extended SQL tracing capabilities with SQLiteMonitor component
· Support for DBMonitor utility for advanced tracing analysis and control
· Per-component SQL tracing
· Optional log output to IDE toolwindows
· Design-time enhancements
· Automatic component registration in toolbox
· Advanced integration with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008, including Server Explorer, Data Source wizard, TableAdapter configuration, Query Builder and configuring web component SQLiteDataSource
· DataSet Wizard to create and edit typed SQLite-oriented datasets
· DataSet Manager to list and bind datasets in the project
· DataSet Editor to edit dataset contents
· Advanced design-time component and property editors
· IntelliSense descriptions for SQLite classes
· Syntax highlighting in design-time editors
· TableMappings editor
· Convenient instant data preview and management in design time
· Product clarity
· Complete documentation sets integrated into Visual Studio .NET and Borland Delphi
· Integration with Visual Studio and MSDN help collections
· Documentation available as a standalone chm file
· A large amount of helpful demos in C#, VB, C++, and Delphi


· ADO.NET Framework
· .NET Framework


Size/OS:10.4 MB / Windows All
Type of file:EXE
Date:July 24rd, 2012
Price Full Version:USD 0
Developer:Home page