SlimDrivers 2.2.22316.34671

SlimDrivers 2.2.22316.34671SlimDrivers 2.2.22316.34671. is a driver managing software solution that provides full control over the installed drivers, with dedicated tools to update any system driver on the go.

The application needs to scan the computer before anything else, but the whole process takes less than a minute to complete the job. Once it comes to an end, SlimDrivers shows the outdated drivers and displays the current and the available version, with dedicated download links to get the newer version quickly.

The interface is pretty eye-candy and easy to use, with the home tab showing information on the operating system, computer name, processor and memory. You can either search for drivers to update, access options, backup or restore drivers, all with a single click.

If you wish to uninstall specific drivers, SlimDrivers shows all installed drivers in a very clean way, so it's enough to check the entries you want and hit the “Uninstall” button to get rid of them.

On the other hand, backing up the existing drivers takes only a few minutes and it lets you select the files you wish to save, again with a very clean and intuitive interface to make everything a breeze.

SlimDrivers boasts a rich options menu that let you configure both the backup and restore utilities, but also the update and scheduling utilities, allowing you to pick download locations and connection settings.

All in all, SlimDrivers is a really useful software solution that makes working with drivers a lot easier. It manages to detect most outdated drivers and relies on an intuitive interface to address all types of users.


Size/OS:590 KB / Windows All
Type of file:EXE
Date:July 28rd, 2012
Price Full Version:USD 0
Developer:Home page