Database .NET 7.1.4622.535

Database .NET 7.1.4622.535Database .NET 7.1.4622.535. is a simple and intuitive database management tool for multi-database.

Supports: MS Access 97-2003 / MS Access 2007 / MS Excel 97-2003 / MS Excel 2007 / dBASE IV / Firebird / MySQL / SQL Server / SQL Azure / SQL Server CE / SQLite / PostgreSQL / Oracle / OleDB / ODBC.

Database .NET is a simple program that does not require installation.

Features Database .NET 7.1.4622.535:

· Create / Shrink / Protect Database
· Syntax Highlighting
· Service Manager
· SQL Example Manager
· SQL Query Batch
· Export to CSV / XML / TXT
· Print Query Results


· .Net Framework 4.0


Size/OS:6.91 MB / Windows NT / 2K / XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / 7 / 7 x64
Type of file:Zip
Date:August 27st, 2012