Daphne 1.55

Daphne 1.55Daphne is a small tool designed to help you kill, control and debug window's processes.

You can kill a process by dragging the mouse over the windows, by right-clicking the process in the main process list, or by typing its name with the "Kill all by name" command. With Daphne, Windows users can control, debug and kills processes with a few simple clicks.

You can set a any window to be always on top, to be transparent, to be enable, etc.

The main window displays a list of currently running process with detailed information about:
· CPU usage
· Process ID
· Process name
· Full path (and arguments)
· Priority
· Class (Process / Service)
· Current memory usage
· Peek memory usage
· Current swap usage
· Peek swap usage
· Number of threads

Features Daphne

Hide application tool: drop the target over the application's window you want to hide. Later, you can restore the application from Daphne menu.
Hide applications, makes an application disappear but keeps it running to get more desktop space.
Find process window tool: identify the process which owns the targeted window.
Traps: you can set up traps to be applied to any process being created.
Detailed process list, including full path and arguments.
Per process detail including: Windows tree, thread list, modules, environment variables.
Using the windows tree you can: Show, hide, set always on top on or off, set focus, et cetera to any give window.
Kill all by name: Kill all process using a given name.
Kill menu: Customizable menu, each menu item has a process list to kill upon activation.
Control inspector window for revealing hidden passwords.
Drag and drop tool for killing, setting alpha, enabling controls and putting windows always on top.

Size:6.2 MB

